AOL America On-Line - Great for novice users, uses Google as part of it's search results. |
Ask Trying to be considered as one of the "Top Dogs" along with Yahoo and MSN, following Google. |
API Application Programming Interface. |
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASP Dual meanings: Microsoft Active Server Pages (filename.asp) or Application Service Provider (e.g. a provider of web based applications) |
AlltheWeb Second Tier search engine. |
AltaVista Used to be the #1 search engine until Google came along. |
Algorithm A mathematical formula used to determine the value of a page when compared against others. |
Agent Name An agent name is the name of the software accessing a web page. |
ATF (Above the Fold) This is the part of the user's screen that is always displayed. |
Anchor Text Also known as Link Text, the clickable text of a hyperlink. |
ALT Text The text that appears when you put your mouse on top of an image or a picture.
Authority Site A site that has many In-Bound links coming to it, and very little outbound links. |
AdSense Link Clicking Bots Automated programs that try to spoof random IP addresses to click through AdWords displayed on a site. |
Added Value Affiliates Provide a value-added service to visitors in addition to affiliate links and affiliate content.
AIDA Attention, Interest, Desire, Action: A term used to describe a formula to increase conversions. |
Ad Pimp A website that has too many ads on it in an obvious attempt to monetize the site. |
Aggregator Software that lets you automatically download content to your computer |
Audioblog An audio web log in MP3 format and available for download to an MP3 player or a computer. |
Adwords Google’s - Cost Per Click (CPC) based advertising system. |
Astroturfing The practice of faking, pushing or help to mold a “grass roots” movement. |
Ad Rank Google AdWords multiplies Quality Score (QS) and the maximum CPC (Max CPC) to reach an Ad Rank for each ad. |
AdSense Arbitrage The process of buying traffic with pay-per-click programs, sending traffic to highly optimized Adsense pages and collecting the difference. |
Affiliate Sniper People who save money on purchases by switching your affiliate ID with their own. |